Todays ride is our first ride in the Pyrenees after leaving the French Alps, from base camp which is the beautiful village of Argeles-Gazost we climbed 1550m to Col d’Aubisque via Col de Solour and then returned the same way.
Todays ride is our first ride in the Pyrenees after leaving the French Alps, from base camp which is the beautiful village of Argeles-Gazost we climbed 1550m to Col d’Aubisque via Col de Solour and then returned the same way.
Prior to expanding on today’s ventures I feel that I need to
go back to our team meeting after dinner last night as there was an issue worth
mentioning after yesterdays blog went to print. We have seen this same issue
highlighted previously however it had been blamed to a sugar or hunger low and
is commonly referred to as a dummy spit. Unfortunately I feel I am not in a
position to mention any names and being uncertain how to address this problem,
a quick call to his parent at Marrer sorted the problem as they had witnessed
this dummy spit many times before.
It needed to be done, I stopped,
unclipped, however with bib & brace nicks I had to go to the old method of
lifting which soon had me back on the bike with the bunch now out of sight.
Head down and weaving through the large piles of animal manure on the road
surface that I could only imagine at the altitude these deposits were made by
colisees 3 dragons. I looked up to see Sellars off the back, as we came to to the
4k’s to the summit sign showing a gradient at 7.5% I continued to push and next
thing I was on his wheel, at the 2km to the summit changing down and moving to
the other side of the road I attacked and he couldn’t hold. Sim and Hamilton
next, however I ran out of mountain and can only say thank god.
If to date you have enjoyed the daily blog, make sure that
you view tomorrows as our own Brycey Shaw has something special that is a must
see. Over & Out
Loving the blog lads.